Monday, February 8, 2010

Talycia's TSIS PA7

Overall out of all the readings in TSIS I believe that "What you eat is your business" which is the one I choose, was the best.First I just skimmed through the texts of all the options this one really caught my eye, So I read the full text. First of all not only does it not make sense, for somone to put their physical health on someone else, but its completely juvenile. We have a free will to do or not to do anything and everything. The author Radley Balko goes on to explain to us how people have began to pawn their weight and health off on the public.He explains this through giving us the examples of nationwide public healthcare options where everyones health or lack thereof is connected to everyone else's. One example is people who don't pay taxes and don't have jobs going to emergency rooms and our taxes paying for it. Another is obese people who have public healthcare, if the government is paying for this person's medicines (for all the problems that being overweight bring) that person isn't having to pay for his/her problem which is being overweight. We the taxpayers are paying for it because we fund our government and politicians who are making these decisions to pay for it. This system does not work. Maybe if people had to pay for their own healthcare and prescriptions they would take better care of themselves.In the reading "Don't blame the Eater" the author will try and convince us that its not the eaters fault, looking at the economy and how everything works nowadays this is their( the obese people's) only option everything is unhealthy and the restaurants don't do a good job of giving us healthy options. My response to this is did the owners of these restaurants put the food to your mouth and make you eat it? the answer to that is no so this isn't a valid point to make to fight obesity. Another author of "Lawsuits of Fast- Food Restaurants Are an Effective Way to Combat Obesity" will say if the restaurants put the nutritional information on the food where it is understandable that people would know what they are eating andtherefore wouldn't eat it and wouldn't get fat. Because of the amounts of lawsuits that the restaurant industry has had this author believes that that will be an incentive for these corporations. My response to this is, there are grocery stores, what happened to packing a lunch made at home?Especially if the obesity thing is an issue for you... Many of the other readings try and make obesity the responsibility of everyone else's except for the individual that's experiencing it, and this is not correct. We have power over what we eat, some of us just need to start using that power and putting down the donuts.


  1. Talycia, while your grammar and sentence structure could use improvement, i think your conclusion is well-founded. Your essay choice would definitely have agreed with mine had i not been assigned another. I think Balko presented a comprehensive array of arguments for obesity being a personal issue. It's your body. If you're overweight, do something about it. Like you said, "Did [they] put the food to your mouth and make you eat it?" You make good arguments; however, i think you could have been more concise, condensing your sentences to eliminate rambling.
    good work!

  2. I think you made a lot of excellent points that I definitely agree with, you are right, these are our bodies and it is our own decision whether or not to take care of them. It is no ones fault but our own if we are eating unhealthy and getting fat. I really liked how you explained what all of the authors had said but it would have been nice to have an actual quote from one of them. I think you did a good job overall but your lack of sentence structure and poor grammar made it kind of difficult to read at times.

  3. I agree completely. What you eat truly is your own business. It's not anyone else's problem to clean up your mess. I had a childhood friend once that when I went over to her house her mother said she had to clean her room, and she tried to pawn it off on me. I had nothing to do with her messy room it was her decision to leave it to be such a pig sty. I helped her out a bit because I'm a nice person, but it seemed like she expected me to do it though. Like because you are overweight and unhealthy you expect someone else to deal with it? It is your choice, most of the time, I know there are thyroid problems and stuff but that's not usually the case. I know it is hard to lose weight but there is no need to blame anyone else, not the media for making you depressed because everyone's so skinny so you eat, not McDonald's for marketing so well or not showing their nutritional facts right next to the burger on the sign. I don't believe McDonald's is a particularly good corporation but I'm not going to sue them. I have been overweight and I know what it's like, it wasn't anyone's fault but my own, some was my ignorance as a child, but I owned up and did something about it, I didn't let it get out of control and then blame it on the food industries.

  4. I do have to say that you made a strong arguement for your author and did a nice job at saying that the other stories were not as good as yours. However, your grammar needs a litte improvement, and you really did not dive into your topic for a couple sentences when you could have been saying how your story was better than the rest. You do make very valid points though. The fast food business does not spoon feed us there food, we choose to eat it. I do like how you wondered what happened to bagging a lunch from home and bringing it to eat. Again, you make very strong and logical points to your topic. However, the lack of sentence structure did deter from the point of your post, and I did lose my track on what you had just said a couple of times.

  5. What did happen to packing a lunch at home before school/work. I remember in grade school I used to pack a lunch almost everyday. We always had apples and healthy food like that at my house all the time. Now that I'm in college and work full time, I often find myself buying food on the run. I try to eat healthy but it doesnt always happen, such is life, but I know that it is my fault. You brought up lots of good points and wrotemore then enough to get your point across. Thank you.

  6. You had a very persuasive argument! To be completely honest, it almost made me change my opinion about this. Or here's another one to think of: Maybe at lunch you don't have enough time to make the healthy choice, but that doesn't mean you can't go to the gym or do something active with your children when you get done with work. It really is unfair that we are paying taxes for these people who are almost too lazy to make the right decision too, almost as though we're making it even easier for them. Good job!
