Monday, February 22, 2010

Dana Stevens "Thinking Outside the Idiot Box" is a direct response to Steven Johnson's essay " Watching TV makes you Smarter". Stevens said that she did not understand what his article was about. She did not really agree with anything besides that watching tv is okay-- you should'nt watch a lot of it but you should watch a decent amount of it.
Some things that Stevens seemed to talk a lot about was that Johnson metioned something the show 24 saying that it is "nutritional" but fails to mention that there was controversy over plot lines that had to do with torture and representation of Muslim terrorists in the show. But she does mention that the show did somehow get social issues into the show which can open viewers eyes about what is going on in the world. Another thing that Stevens mentioned was the TV-B-Gone, which is a remote that you can turn off TVs from 20-50 feet away, Stevens seems to think that this remote is a " fuction as a tool of social control". I thought that waws pretty interesting.
I think that Stevens would respond to obviously Johnsons (because her whole article was pretty much about not understanding his article) and Peacocke's article about Family Guy and Freud. I believe that she would agree with what Peacocke had to say because she said that Family Guy is somewhat interesting to a point that deals with social topics and issues that are currently happening which Stevens liked when it came to the show 24.

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