Monday, February 8, 2010

Radley Balko

Kyle Tregilgas

Composition 1022-14

Brian Lewis

I strongly agree with with Mr. Balko's opinion that what you eat and the choices you make regarding your health are yours to make. Mr Balko also makes it very clear that with the freedom of these choices comes personal responsibility. If you choose to make unhealthy choices you alone should pay the consequences. Everyone else is not responsible for your choices and should not pay for your choices. The best point Balko makes is that instead of trying to tell us what we should eat the government should be fostering a sense of responsibility for our own health. He argues that this in the long run will provide better results and will keep health care costs down. This can be done by allowing insurance companies to penalize people who make unhealthy choices by charging them more (since they cost more) and charging people who make healthy choices less (they cost less). This attitude is very different than that of Zinczenko who appears to believe the food companies are basically getting people hooked as kids and give us basically no alternative to a fast food lifestyle.
Engler also tries, but fails, to place the blame on food companies and not peoples bad choices. Engler seems to think were are brainwashed by advertising and are not even consider our choices. Not true. Some just make bad choices and should learn a lesson by paying the consequences.

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